Here’s What Happened When Life Threw Me A Curveball

What happens when life forces you to slow down? Here’s how it affected me.

5 min readJul 5, 2022
Photo by Sean Oulashin on Unsplash

If you told me a year ago I was about to ditch the full-time job, left people behind and slow life down, I would have laughed. I was just getting started. I was moving at 150 mph with no sign of slowing down.

My body had other ideas. I had major burnout, mentally, physically and emotionally I was drained. This had nothing to do with covid. When someone very close to you becomes terminally unwell, it tends to turn your world upside down. This was my catalyst for change.

Since I stopped working full-time last year, I’ve seen a gradual yet life-changing transition. The teething problems were all there, financial adjustments, even shadow work on my own mission/worth. I realised I was getting a lot of my purpose from my job serving the beauty industry.

Don’t get me wrong, my love for beauty hasn’t been dimmed and I love discovering and writing about products, I have just had to adjust my priorities.

So what has changed?

I No Longer Require Things

The shock of having a monthly pay-check decrease by over half meant my disposable income mentality had to be seriously looked at. I’ll admit it for a good few months I was still spending like I was earning that old salary.

One area I had to address was the purchasing of what I call “things”. Things I didn’t need but wanted. Things that would have a novelty period attached to them and just sit around after that expiry.

It was wasteful and there was no meaning behind these purchases. Beauty products would go to waste. It’s bad enough wasting the plastic packaging but to waste the actual product inside too was horrendous.

Today, I do extensive research before buying any product. I will wait 2 months before actually purchasing it. This resting period weeds out the products that would be impulse purchases. If it’s an item of clothing or shoes, I’ll look to buy second-hand before buying new!

I’ve started the process of selling most of my things. As my mother always said to me “how many shoes can you wear at one given time”?

When it comes to beauty, I have one of each type of product at a time. One moisturiser, one shower gel, one hair conditioner etc. Only once that is used up I’ll allow myself to buy another.

Clearer Space

Photo by Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash

With the use of fewer things come less clutter, less mess and in turn a clearer head-space. Don’t get me wrong, my space isn’t completely mess-free but there’s far less crap around. It’s easier to clean.

I have a dedicated work space which is full of happy growing plants. The space is light and airy. The sun beams through each morning onto my work desk. There’s not much more I can say.

No Social Media

Photo by Prateek Katyal on Unsplash

Deciding I no longer wanted to part-take in the world of Instagram was one of the biggest changes for me. We have normalised and become so used to sharing every aspect of our lives online.

This came to light when a friend made a comment about another friend that wasn’t actively posting, accusing her of “not having much on”. When in fact I knew it was quite the opposite.

I was never someone that felt validated by likes and comments, my purpose was to spread information about great beauty products I’d found.

I observed my analytics for around 6 months and realised people were more interested in personal details of my life rather than the products I was excited to share.

This was a really sad realisation and ultimately led me to question people's motives and authenticity.

I do think social media is a great tool for businesses of all kinds, especially creative businesses. The sense of community across some industries is heartwarming. The issues arise when a lot of those watching are comparing their life to yours, seeking validation, wanting a quick buck or trying to prove their sad relationship is something you should aspire to have.

Now I meet friends, eat, go to events, and travel and don’t feel the need to share anything online. This is my life, my memories no one else needs to share these experiences with me. I spend less time on my phone and more time…outside, living life.

Spending More Time Outdoors

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. There’s a reason they say hugging a tree helps. There’s something about being outdoors, the greenery, water, and blue skies that uplift us and allow us to reconnect with the earth.

If like me, you live in a busy city, a park is a great option. Either way just getting out of the house, getting your body moving does the world of good.

My rule of thumb, if it’s not torrential rain, a walk is compulsory. I get out of the house 90% of the time, even if it’s just to buy some essentials or grab a coffee from the local shop.


Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash

The pace of my ‘previous life’ meant I was taking life for granted and I didn’t even realise it. There’s something about slowing down, and being in nature that forces you to sit with your thoughts. You choose what those thoughts are.

I have days when I feel anxious but for the most part, I show gratitude each day for the simple things. The fact I have a nice home and a supportive family.

I don’t operate from a place of lack.

Ultimately all the life changes I’ve made have ultimately complemented one another. I’m not sure what life looks like moving forward. I don’t doubt there will come a time when I ramp the pace up again. But this time, I’ll have all the tools to absorb it all, at a good pace and show gratitude as I go.




Curly-haired, Matcha Drinking, Beauty Product Developer. I write about all things beauty and lifestyle.